
Cemeteries: Underwriting Guidelines

Provided the agent submits the Company’s Policy Authorization Request (for unusual risks), the agent may be given specific authorization to insure an entire cemetery on a case-by-case basis. Never issue title insurance on property platted for or used as burial plots unless specifically authorized by Agents National Title underwriting counsel.  If a deed, survey or inspection discloses the existence of burial plots or cemeteries, or their existence is otherwise made known to the agent, their exact location must be identified and excluded from coverage in the commitment and final title policy as follows:


“This policy hereby excludes from coverage that portion of the land situated within the area of the [CEMETERY, BURIAL PLOT, ETC.] as further described in that certain [SURVEY, INSPECTION, DEED, ETC.] dated ____, by ______; recorded in Book _____, Page _____.”


In addition, exceptions for claimed rights of ownership and easement and rights of ingress and egress to the cemetery or burial plot must show in the commitment and final policy and may conform as follows:


“Rights or claims of easement to or from and ingress and egress in and to the [CEMETERY, BURIAL PLOT, ETC.] located on said land as described in that certain [SURVEY, INSPECTION, DEED, ETC.] dated _____, by _________; recorded in Book ______, Page ______.”




“Rights or claims of parties in actual or constructive possession or any parties claiming any kinds of rights or interests in the land by virtue of its use for burial plots or cemetery purposes.”